1. WE KNOW CHRIST through God’s Word, Prayer and Worship of God.
    We know Christ through these Waymarks:
    – Centrality of the Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16)
    – Life transforming walk with Jesus (John 3:3, 30; Philippians 1:6)
    – Heartfelt Worship (Psalm 138:1a; John 4:23)
  2. WE GROW IN CHRIST TOGETHER through Fellowship and Shared Life Together.
    We grow in Christ together through these Waymarks:
    – Compelling Christian community (Acts 2:42-47)
    – Sacrificial and generous living and giving (Romans 12:1-8)
    – Culture of Godly leadership (Hebrews 13:7)
    – Fruitful organizational structures (Exodus 18:13-26, Acts 6:1-7)
  3. WE GO WITH CHRIST into our community and world through Evangelism, Service and Outreach.
    We go with Christ through these Waymarks:
    – Intentional evangelism (Matthew 28:18-20)
    – Transforming communities through active compassion, mercy and justice ministries (Micah 6:8)
    – Global perspective and engagement (Acts 1:8)