All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ, for he himself will say: I was a stranger and you welcomed me.
Matthew 25:35 and “The Rule of Benedict” 53:1
We welcome you to Cannon Beach Community Church, via this website, email, phone, or best of all, in person.
Weekly, we welcome hundreds of people through the doors of Cannon Beach Community Church building. We enjoy face to face and person to person hospitality with our friends and guests. We offer hospitality service between and after worship services weekly. We also love to welcome others from the community and from out of town, people who use the church building each week for a wide variety of community gatherings.
Please call the Church Office at (503) 436-1222, to connect, we look forward to seeing you sometime soon at the beach!
Sunday Hospitality
Since 1931, people have gathered weekly for worship and hospitality with friends and guests on Sundays, singing Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, and applying God’s Word to our daily life as followers of Christ. Following worship, we love to gather for informal conversation and refreshments in our Fellowship Hall. We welcome you to Cannon Beach Community Church, and look forward to times of worship and fellowship together with you Sunday!
The friendly people who greet you at the doors as you enter the sanctuary each serve a couple of times a year. Let us know if you would like to be included on our Greeter Team.