Go With Christ into Our Community and World

The heartbeat of our church is to bring Christ’s deep love to our community, desiring to walk alongside people who are hurting, lonely and in need. Here are a few of our Go Projects that we take part in each year.
- Baby-Blanket project: Each year we are able to provide around 200 baby blankets to families of newborns all across the globe. These blankets are prayed over and sent with love to bless new families.
- Project Homeless Connect: Every winter our church provides blankets, clothes and support at Project Homeless Connect, held at the Seaside Convention Center. For more information about this event click here.
- Deacons Fund: Our Deacons team oversees the distribution of these funds from our generous church family, which reaches people in our community in need of financial help.
- Operation Christmas Child Shoebox project: Our congregation purchases and fills around 200 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child, which are sent out across the world to bring Christ’s joy to children for Christmas. See more information here.
- Christmas Giving Tree: Every holiday season our church family collects names of families in our community that could use a little help with Christmas cheer. Members of the congregation then buy these specific gifts for kids and families, following the example of Christ.
- Blessing of the Animals: In October of each year on St. Francis Day, our church holds a Blessing of the Animals in Sandpiper Square as a way to connect with people through their beloved pets.
- First Responders Dinner: Annually our church family provides a dinner of thanks for the first responders in our town, as a way to give back for all the sacrifices they make for our community.
- Please also see a list of all the missionaries we support by clicking the button below.