Cannon Beach Community Church
We are a loving body of seekers and believers in Jesus Christ, seeking to know Christ, grow in Christ together, and go with Christ into our community and world.
PO Box 37
132 E. Washington St.
Cannon Beach, OR 97110
(503) 436-1222

Baby Blanket Work Parties
Please join us every Friday in January and early February for our Baby Blanket work parties, meeting in the Fellowship Hall from 10AM-2PM. This is a wonderful time of fellowship and service, ironing, turning and sewing fabric for our beautiful baby blankets. Bring a lunch and spend time enjoying each others’ company while blessing young families across the globe.
Continue Reading ➤Associate Pastor Search
On January 7, 2024 Cannon Beach Community Church called a Special Congregational Meeting to announce that Pastor David Robinson will be retiring at the end of 2024, after 30 years of ministry as our Lead Pastor.
This is a bittersweet time as our beloved David retired from his Lead Pastor role to serve the Lord in other ways and places beginning in 2025 as Pastor Emeritus. We give our love and thanks to David and Trina,
Continue Reading ➤GriefShare Ministry
Our GriefShare group is starting back up in 2025! For more information about the GriefShare Ministry Program, please visit their website here or contact Nancy at 541-388-2082 to sign up.
GriefShare is a network of over 15,000 churches worldwide. The program is nondenominational and features Biblical concepts for healing from your grief.
What to expect: GriefShare is a support group that meets weekly. You’ll find it to be a caring environment and you will come to see your group as an “oasis” on your journey through grief.
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